Discover how to lose belly fat, improve your health, increase energy, boost mental clarity and prevent burnout.

What Every Stressed Male Leader 40+ Needs to Know About Keeping the Weight Off For Good  Without Sacrificing Their Lifestyle

From the Coaching Desk of Tony Scullion

Dear Leader,

If you're striving for a stronger, leaner body, more energy and improved health but feel like you're hitting a wall…

You've attempted various health programs that either consume too much time or force unsustainable lifestyle changes…

Then this message is for you!

Because you're about to discover my battle tested, proven pathway to transform your health and performance...

Fine-tuned through transforming 800+ stressed out leaders across 30 years, including team members of visionary executive Elon Musk

without the extreme diets, endless gym hours, or dangerous supplements.

This is not some flash in the pan FAD diet trick method,

which is why other stuff hasn't worked for you.


This is a complete system which you are fully supported through to guarantee your success


30 pounds down muscle and strength

Here's What This Has To Do With YOU


How my clients see themselves in their newly fitted custom suits

As a leader, if you're not at your best, your impact and relationships suffer—you know this better than anyone.

Most stressed out leaders come to me lacking in physical energy,

over stressed and lacking confidence in themselves

because they are simply wasting time doing the wrong things:

  • Following unsustainable highly restrictive diets
  • Ineffective exercise routines for their goals
  • Not able to measure weekly progress in building strength, improving performance or losing bodyfat

Doing quick fix programs that don’t keep the weight off permanently

Why YOUR Approach

to Health and Performance Hasn't Worked Yet

Feeling like a failure

When you feel like your efforts are failing

it's because you don't have a complete system to follow.

A nutrition plan and a workout routine are only a small part of such a system.

When you have full support with our Peak Performance Executive program...

Often, just a simple shift in your daily habits can open the gates to renewed energy,

increased strength, bodyfat dropping

and finally you could start to see consistent improvements in building a body you feel proud of.

Working towards permanent change with your new found knowledge.

You will NOT need another coach again!

I'm here to guide you to that shift today.

Forget all the generic wellness advice!

You need to understand why those 'one-size-fits-all' solutions haven't worked for you:

They don't account for the unique demands of a leader like you.

The Dilemma of Generic Health Advice:

It Can't Be Solved With a Simple Fitness App
Or The Latest Fitness Equipment

Tell the truth, how many pieces of fitness equipment do you have gathering dust?


How many times have you downloaded a new health app,

only to abandon it days later?

Being inundated with generic advice leads to overwhelm and inaction

or even worse

wasting time on the wrong actions

A nutrition plan or exercise plan that is NOT giving you weekly results!

How many newsletters or Youtube videos have you tried to follow advice from and you are still stuck?

The variety of health strategies out there can indeed lead to improved well-being.


Do you as a leader have time to endlessly sift through generic advice to try and determine an approach that is specifically structured to your lifestyle?

That time could be spent leading, innovating, and enjoying life.

That's why you need a precise, personalized plan that takes away all the guesswork and provides you with the support to get permanent results.

You need more than just health tips...

You need a holistic strategy that aligns with your demanding lifestyle.

With 30 YEARS of coaching experience and a focus on leaders over 40, I've developed an approach that pinpoints the exact changes you need to make to see immediate, lasting results.

Taking our FREE Peak Performance Pro Quiz will help you see where the gaps are in your current health improvement strategies.

If you decide you need further help to fine tune your strategy we can then audit your current health approach, identify the gaps received from your Peak Performance Pro score, and create a targeted action plan that addresses your specific needs.



Tony Scullion

Peak Performance Coach

So, how about it?
Ready to reclaim your energy and build a body you can be proud of and avoid the dangers of burnout? 

Results From Busy Leader's Like You


What Our Client's Say...

Copy of Meet

"Best Money I Ever Spent On My Health"

Tony has amazing knowledge about nutrition, stress relief, sleep, workouts, and helping the body recover so that you can do all the things you want to do! It is all tailored based on you as an individual vs. some mass-marketed plan. More importantly, he has become a friend and trusted advisor around all of my health care needs. If you need a health coach Tony is the person to hire.

Tom Strachan

Copy of Meet (1)

"I Cannot Recommend Tony's Services Enough!"

Where do I start?!! Tony's plan WORKS and has allowed me to continue to enjoy my life without moving to a miserable restrictive diet. Tony was able to work in a balanced schedule to my busy corporate life, and has become a friend along the way. I feel refreshed and more confident about how to manage my wellness moving forward

Peter Joseph


"I'm Down To 198 Pounds From 219"

Consistently traveling for work had turned my life upside down until I started your program. It's been very easy honestly I've never thought I'd say about a diet... but it has been easy the tools are very very helpful, if you kind of plan out your meal up front you will definitely see the scales drop

Mek Wierzbicki

What Our Client's Say...


Copy of Meet

"Best Money I Ever Spent On My Health"

Tony has amazing knowledge about nutrition, stress relief, sleep, workouts, and helping the body recover so that you can do all the things you want to do! It is all tailored based on you as an individual vs. some mass-marketed plan. More importantly, he has become a friend and trusted advisor around all of my health care needs. If you need a health coach Tony is the person to hire.

Tom Strachan

Copy of Meet (1)

"I Cannot Recommend Tony's Services Enough!"

Where do I start?!! Tony's plan WORKS and has allowed me to continue to enjoy my life without moving to a miserable restrictive diet. Tony was able to work in a balanced schedule to my busy corporate life, and has become a friend along the way. I feel refreshed and more confident about how to manage my wellness moving forward

Peter Joseph


"I'm Down To 198 Pounds From 219"

Consistently traveling for work had turned my life upside down until I started your program. It's been very easy honestly I've never thought I'd say about a diet... but it has been easy the tools are very very helpful, if you kind of plan out your meal up front you will definitely see the scales drop

Mek Wierzbicki

More Results from People Just Like You

James Shea

"I lost 20 pounds and gained some muscle. All my pants went from being tight to loose. My friends said your trainer deserves a raise"

Bob Brill

"It's a lifestyle change,this isn't a diet, this is unlike anything else that I've ever done"



Lee Kerr

"I felt results in the first week, I wanted to have a better lifestyle and to have a better lifestyle you have to have better health"

Diego Bonaparte

"I'm 50 years old and losing 15 pounds during 90 days by INCREASING calories and spending LESS time on each workout is truly amazing."

Craig Allen

"I lost 40 pounds whilst making a drastic improvement in my mobility, which helps massively reduce the negative effects from sitting at my desk staring at a screen for long hours everyday."

More Results from People Just Like You

James Shea

"I lost 20 pounds and gained some muscle. All my pants went from being tight to loose. My friends said your trainer deserves a raise"

Bob Brill

"It's a lifestyle change,this isn't a diet, this is unlike anything else that I've ever done"


Lee Kerr

"I felt results in the first week, I wanted to have a better lifestyle and to have a better lifestyle you have to have better health"

Diego Bonaparte

"I'm 50 years old and losing 15 pounds during 90 days by INCREASING calories and spending LESS time on each workout is truly amazing."

Craig Allen

"I lost 40 pounds whilst making a drastic improvement in my mobility, which helps massively reduce the negative effects from sitting at my desk staring at a screen for long hours everyday."

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